Forced marriage
Arranged marriage – also Gewalt, die von Ihrer Partnerin/Ihrem Partner oder auch einem/einer Familienangehörigen ausgeübt wird – ist häufig deswegen so belastend und geradezu unfassbar, weil sie von einem Menschen ausgeht, den Sie lieben und dem Sie vertrauen (oder es zumindest bislang getan hatten).
The topic of "forced marriage" is usually only discussed in connection with the girls and women affected. In many cases, however, the man in such a forced marriage is not necessarily the perpetrator, but is forced into the marriage himself. However, the young men concerned often do not see themselves as victims, as this would contradict the common stereotype of masculinity and it is suggested to them that they are the "winners" of this forced marriage. In some cases, partners of young women or girls who are to be forced into marriage are also subjected to massive physical and psychological violence by the perpetrator families, who target the men as "unwanted lovers".
Are you in this or a similar situation yourself? Are you experiencing interference with your own personal rights by your family members or other loved ones? But are you convinced that you alone should decide who you love and with whom you want to have a relationship? Then give us a call - a conversation could be the first step on your way to avoiding a potentially lifelong misfortune.