I will no longer stand idly by and watch!
As relatives of (potentially) violent men, you are often in a difficult situation: you suspect or even know that your friend, partner, son, father, brother or neighbor is currently experiencing violence or that he is struggling with the consequences of violence suffered in the past. But how can you best help them? How can you even broach the subject? And what specific advice can you give them?

You are welcome to contact the violence against men helpline in such situations. We will definitely take the time to talk to you about your suspicions and concerns and, if necessary, consider together how you can help your relative while keeping your own well-being in mind.
However, professionals who advise or support men affected by violence as part of their work - such as employees of advice centers or authorities, doctors and psychotherapists, police officers, equal opportunities officers or works councils - can sometimes be unsure how they can best support those affected. So if you, as a professional, are wondering what services are available for men affected by violence and how you should best proceed so that the man can accept offers of help if possible, please get in touch with us.
To ensure that there is enough time both for discussions with men affected by violence and for exchanges with specialists, there are separate consultation hours for specialists, which can be found in the following briefpresentations. You can of course also contact us by email at any time.
The team of the violence against men helpline
The following advice centres jointly organize the violence against men helpline:
man-o-mann men's counseling
The man-o-mann männerberatung in Bielefeld is a point of contact for men seeking help and provides support for a wide range of difficulties relating to violence, partnership, fatherhood, sexual, psych(osomatic)isis and identity problems in the form of individual counseling or group therapy and offers further training, supervision and specialist lectures for institutions. man-o-mann männerberatung also runs a men's protection facility with four shelters in Bielefeld.
Mondays from 9:00 to 10:00
Telephone: 0521 68676
Via - Ways out of violence
The AWO Augsburg advice and clearing centre offers support for victims, relatives and professionals in cases of domestic and/or sexualized violence. The services include telephone, digital and personal counselling (also possible in anonymous form), a clearing of the individual violence situation, protection and safety advice, support in decision-making, stabilization in the crisis, advice on the consequences of violence and referral to specific help.
Wednesdays from 9:00 to 10:00
Telephone: 0821 45033920
Social counseling Stuttgart
The specialist advice center "Protection against violence for men" of Sozialberatung Stuttgart e.V. offers support for men affected by domestic violence in the form of individual counselling, crisis intervention and individual safety planning. Counseling can take place in person, by telephone and online. The service is anonymous and free of charge. There is also the opportunity for men to find refuge and develop new life perspectives in protected living space supervised by specialist staff.
Tuesdays from 9:00 to 10:00
Telephone: 0711 33508784
The SAFE! counseling center of the Victim and Perpetrator Support Mainz offers men who are affected by violence in close social relationships confidential, anonymous and free counseling and support - both in person and by telephone and online.
There are currently none.
Violence has many faces
We at the violence against men helpline have a broad definition of violence: it is not important to us to what extent what you have suffered is criminally relevant or not. What matters is that you are suffering from the violation of boundaries that you have experienced and therefore need support. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us if you have experienced any form of boundary violation that does not allow you to rest - regardless of what happened and when it happened! Advice and support is available for the following forms of violence:
Helpful links
On the "I have experienced violence" page, we have put together a series of links to websites that are not only of interest to men affected by violence, but also to relatives, professionals, the press and anyone else who is interested in these topics. In particular, you will also find pages that provide more in-depth information about certain forms of violence such as sexualized violence, human trafficking or digital violence and highlight relevant topic-specific support options.
Information about the download
Here you can download the flyer of the Violence against Men Helpline (with the most important information on consultation hours, access to online counseling, etc.). Further materials for public relations work (shareables, logo, poster) as well as the report of the scientific monitoring and evaluation can be downloaded on the page "I would like to know more".