I would like to know more about violence against men
Even though we are currently seeing the first newspaper articles, TV and social media reports and even dark field studies: The topic of "boys and men as victims of violence" continues to be a major social and private taboo subject. However, if we want to give affected boys and men the opportunity to talk about what they have experienced and receive help, we need to shake this taboo.

Because only if the issue of male victims of violence becomes clearly visible in society, through reports or information campaigns, but also by the fact that we all think about and address male victimhood in our respective contexts, only then will boys and men be able to recognize it: I am not alone in what I have experienced. I am not the only one. And therefore also: It is not ME who is wrong, but what was done to me. I deserve help and support. I am allowed to talk about it.
We also need to talk about stereotypical images of masculinity, about outdated ideas of what a man should be or feel or do or not do. If, even today, over 70% of respondents in surveys of younger men say that they do not turn to others with psychological problems, fears and worries or emotional issues in general, or even actively seek support, then it is clear that there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of education and, above all, reflection. After all, professional support services and well-trained specialists can only provide support if men affected by violence also seek and accept their help.
We would therefore be delighted if you would like to find out more about the topic of "violence against men" and perhaps use the impetus we would like to provide here to raise awareness among people in your professional and perhaps also private environment.
Talking about violence against men
Male exposure to violence is a highly complex topic that has been little researched empirically and is rarely discussed in society. It also naturally affects many people, both men and women, on an emotional level. This makes it all the more important that we talk about it in a well-founded, but above all respectful way that always keeps the suffering of those affected in mind. Talking in a way that, at best, leads to us possibly being able to reduce this suffering in the future - or even prevent violence from being perpetrated in the first place.
If you as a professional need to talk or would like further information, please contact the respective consultation hours for professionals set up by the advice centers involved in the helpline - you can find the corresponding times and telephone numbers in the "I would like to help" tab.
There are not many empirical studies in German-speaking countries specifically on the subject of male victims of violence, but some of them are freely available on the internet. In addition, below you will find situation reports, dark field studies and crime statistics evaluations that are not exclusively dedicated to men, but in some places also contain information about male victims of violence:
Schemmel, Goede and Müller (2024). Violence against men in partnerships. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Situation in Deutschland. Nomos.
Jud, Grafe, Meshkova, Kavemann, Meysen, Hoffmann, Ziegenhain and Fegert (2023). Prevalence and Predictors of Affirmations of Intimate Partner Violence in Germany: A First Nationwide Study on Victimization in Women and Men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 38(1-2):1-21.
Jud (2022). Parental Violence in Germany - Frequency of Experienced and Executed Violence and Witnessing in Childhood.
Landeskriminalamt NRW (2020). Sicherheit und Gewalt in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Research report.
Forschungsverbund Gewalt gegen Männer (2004). Gewalt gegen Männer. Personal experiences of violence by men in Germany: Pilot study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. BMFSFJ.
Violence has many faces
We at the violence against men helpline have a broad definition of violence: it is not important to us to what extent what you have suffered is criminally relevant or not. What matters is that you are suffering from the violation of boundaries that you have experienced and therefore need support. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us if you have experienced any form of boundary violation that does not allow you to rest - regardless of what happened and when it happened! Advice and support is available for the following forms of violence:
Helpful links
On the "I have experienced violence" page, we have compiled a series of links to websites that are not only of interest to men affected by violence, but also to relatives, professionals, the press and anyone else who is interested in these topics. In particular, you will also find sites that provide more in-depth information about certain forms of violence such as sexualized violence, human trafficking or digital violence and highlight relevant topic-specific supportoptions.
Information about the download
Here you can download the annual report of the scientific monitoring and evaluation as well as information materials of the violence against men helpline such as flyers, posters, logos and shareables for sharing in social networks.